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There’s usually two markets, a hot buyers market and a hot sellers market.

The difference.

A buyers market is a market where there’s a ton of houses for sale and the buyer has most of the power.  This means as a seller that your house could sell for less then expected!

A seller market is a market where there’s a very small amount of houses for sale with an abundance of buyers looking to buy.  This means as a seller your in a great position to get the most out of your house and to squeeze more money out of buyers.

Market plays a big factor in squeezing more money out of your home!


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Location isn’t everything but it plays a big part in the value of your home.  To get the most money out of your sale you need to emphasize the positives.  If your in district for that brand new state of the art school opening next year that could positively effect the value of your home.  Realtors are a great source of developmental news and information and they can really help you get the most money from your home!  Don’t worry either if your living next to a waste treatment center that doesn’t necessarily mean that the value of your house is going to be tanked.  With every negative there’s a positive and that’s what needs to be your focus!

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At the end of the day after all the dust is settled and we’ve worked our way through all the smoke and mirrors its the house we’re buying!  If you want to get the most of your house you should make that home shine give it it’s best chance at being someones future home.  Simple things you can do:

  • Clean it!  No one wants to see a curly whirly on the toilet.
  • Cut it! Cut your grass, we’re selling your home not a jungle.
  • Stage it! This is a tough one for most, biggest tip is make it look livable.
  • De-clutter it!  Put away or get rid of that junk those boxes of nat-geos can go to the curb!
  • De-personalize it! You kid sure is cute but buyers need to picture themselves in your home so help them out by taking your family out of it!
  • Touch it up!  If you have pets you know there’s always a wall they like to sleep against, make sure you touch that up so your home looks fresh.
  • Don’t hide it!  This is a big one, don’t try and hide anything because when we’re talking big money it all comes out in the wash.  Be up front and get it taken care of, hiding defects can be very costly in the long run!
  • Keep it clean!  You did a great job getting the house ready for the open house, now keep it clean!  Most serious buyers come from private showings so a clean house for all showings is 100% key!